August 24, 2018

I have recently lost my mind over videography. We can blame it entirely on Canon Camera Company, because for some reason they saw fit to add video capabilities to their professional level cameras. It all started with the 5D MII and the 1D MK IV. But that's not what this blog is all about, it's simply WHY this has come to be.
I have discovered that with the influx of intellectual property rights implementation over the years, that it is best to go ahead and gather every aspect of your own projects that you possibly can. And so, this installment is going to be all about the gear that you need to capture your own audio for your wildlife videography.
1. Pick your camera well. If you are shooting a modern DSLR, or are thinking about getting a DSLR for videography, make sure that it has an audio input jack and a flash hotshoe. The reason for this is that the best microphones, (the shotgun mics), are easily mounted on the flash hotshoe, and the best place to record them is in your camera. The reason I say this is because of the fact that even though your cellphone will record sounds very well, it is better to use the fewest gadgets possible, and your dslr is designed to capture audio.
2. RODE microphones. Rode offers some of the best options for videography audio recording, and their videomic GO is probably your best choice for a couple of reasons. First, it doesn't take batteries; it runs off your camera, and second, it is always on. There is nothing more frustrating than having shot about ten minutes of video only to discover you didn't turn the mic on...
3. Takstar microphones. If you don't have a $100 to shell out on a RODE mic, a good second option is the Takstar mic, (pictured here). However, be advised you have to put batteries in it and you have to turn it on... it won't work otherwise.